Nepalese in Finland

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Once upon the time,Most of the nepalese people didnot even hear the name of Finland but these days one can see and hear this country´s name everywhere either in the field of development activities or in the place of study abroad.All most every educational consultancies put Finland in their priority list for sending student.
Finland is a country situated in the Northern Europe having just 5.3 million population.Which have the high living standard in the world for long time.Besides these,free education for all is the most attractive pulling factors for the nepalese student .Indiscriminatly Finland provides free education for all and there are no any official formalities for applying for Finland if we compare with the other countries.One can easily get visa for Finland if he/she got offer letter from the universities or colleges.But these days not only for the students for the workers and business man Finland is the best destination of earning money as well others.Here in Finland there are nearly 20 Nepalese resturant among them arround 15 are in the Helsinki ,the capital city of Finland.
As Finnish people have no their own food culture,they are very much interested to have the taste of nepalese food which is really spicy and hot.This might be the cause of the weather condition of Finland which is cold all the time so Finnish people like hot and spicy nepalese food.
As there is no official records,nearly 1500 nepalese are resides in Finland .Family members of the Nepalese bussiness man and their worker´s family are in majority.Besides these,workers rather than the resturant and students are also in the same number.But unfortunately here are 3 nepalese organizations who claimed themselves as the main representative of Nepales people in Finland.One NRN Finland,The Finnish-Nepalese Society and Seura Nepal.But these institutions are involved in their own interest not for the shake of nepalese people who resides in Finland.
One most intersting thing is that Nepalese resturant in Finland are really florished although the harmony among the nepalese are decreasing day by day.Satkar,Himsikhar,Aangan,Mountain,Annapurna,Madal are the most popular resturant in Helsinki.The number of nepalese in Finland is increasing day by day so it is necessary to mentain harmony among the nepalese people by giving up proudiness and the attitudes of individualism.if we overcome from such things we can success to show the nepalese unity in Finland