जाल झेल

Thursday, 27 August 2009

जाल झेल बेईमानी कहिल्यै गर्न चाहन्न ।
कुनै पुण्य काम नगरी छिटै म मर्न चाहन्न ।

भीरबाट झरे मरुला, मलाई कुनै पीर छैन
कसैको नजरबाट किहल्यै म झर्न चाहन्न ।

सहयात्री हुँ म उस्को जस्ले दिन्छ साथ मेरो
घात गरी अरुलाई एक्लै जङ्गार म तर्न चाहन्न ।

दिएर हुने भए केहि राख्दीनथे म साथमा
आँत सुकाई कसैको आफ्नो पेट म भर्न चाहन्न ।

साधु सन्त नभएनि सादा जिवन जिउन चाहन्छु
छलकपट काखी च्यापी ज्ञानी रुप म धर्न चाहन्न ।

लक्ष्य मेरो क्षितिज छुने पाईला अघि बढाउँदैछु
आँधी आपतको आएपनी म डर्न चाहन्न ।

जे जान्दछु त्यही गर्छु यो र त्यो भन्दिन म
कर्तब्यबाट कहिल्यै पछि म सर्न चाहन्न ।

सुख दुःख जिन्दगी हो किहले धेरै कहिले थोरै
जतन गरी राख्छु संधै कतै म छर्न चाहन्न ।

प्रकाश थापा

Ships collide off Malaysian coast

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

The MT Formosa Product Brick was travelling from the United Arab Emirates to South Korea [REUTERS]

Nine Chinese crew members are missing after a Taiwanese tanker carrying 58,000 tonnes of naphtha, a highly flammable liquid, collided with a cargo ship in one of the world's busiest shipping lanes.

A fire broke out on the tanker, en route from the United Arab Emirates to South Korea, after the collision at 10pm (14:00 GMT) in the Strait of Malacca, between Malaysia and Indonesia, on Tuesday, maritime police said.

Firefighters were fighting the blaze on the MT Formosa Product Brick, although there was said to be no danger of oil spill from the tanker and the movements of other ships have not been affected.

"The MT Formosa Product Brick is on fire and is now listing on its left side. We fear it may sink," Rizal Ramli, a local marine police chief, said.

"The collision happened last night in clear weather off Port Dickson. We have rescued 16 crew members, mainly of Chinese nationality," he said.

Ramli said two of the rescued crew were Taiwanese.

Busy waterway

Captain Ahmed Bin Othman, the director-general of Malaysia's marine department, told Al Jazeera that attempts to search for the missing crew were continuing both in the water and on the tanker, but that the heat of the fire was too intense for rescue workers to board the ship.

"The vessel has drifted outside the traffic separation scheme and currently it remains outside the traffic seperation scheme," he said.

"The tanker was south bound, heading for [South] Korea and the bulk carrier had just left Port Dickson. It was joining the traffic separation scheme and unfortunately they collided in the middle."

Port Dickson is in Negeri Sembilan, south of Kuala Lumpur, the Malaysian capital.

Othman said that the masters of both vessels were being interviewed to ascertain the cause of events.Accidents in the narrow Strait of Malacca, through which at least 94,000 ships sail annually, are rare.

The waterway is one of the busiest in the world and is crucial to Japan's national interests as more than 80 per cent of its oil is carried through it.

चन्द्रमामा मान्छे पुगेकै छैन त ?

Saturday, 1 August 2009


१९६९ को ग्रीष्म ऋतु । आठ-आठ दिनसम्म लाखौं मानिस आश्चर्यलोकमा परे । मानिसले चाहेमा असम्भव भन्ने कुरा केही पनि छैन भन्ने कुरा सावित भयो । चन्द्र धरातलमा मानव अवतरणको समाचारले मानव जातिले आफ्नो इतिहासमा नौलो आयाम थपेको अनुभव गर्‍यो । यसले अमेरिकाको अन्तरिक्ष कार्यक्रममा गौरव त थप्यो नै, सबै कुरा सम्भव छ भन्ने प्रमाणित भएपछि मानिसलाई थप प्रेरणासमेत मिल्यो । यो बीसौं शताब्दीको सबैभन्दा महान् प्राविधिक विजय थियो । तर, केही मानिसका लागि भने यो दाबी 'महान् झूठ' थियो । निल आर्मस्ट्रङ र बुज एल्डि्रनले चन्द्र धरातलमा पाइला टेकेको ४० वर्षपछि सन्देहवादी सिद्धान्तकारहरूले यस ऐतिहासिक घटनालाई फेरि जनइजलासमा ल्याउने प्रयास गरे । यी मानिसहरू नासाले आफ्ना सोभियत प्रतिस्पर्धीहरूलाई ठग्न र राष्ट्रपति जोन एफ केनेडीले १९६० को अन्त्यसम्ममा मानिसले सुरक्षित रूपमा चन्द्रलोक पुगी सुरक्षित रूपमै त्यहाँबाट पृथ्वीलोकमा र्फकने लक्ष्य राखी गरेको घोषणा पूरा गर्न यस्तो जाली काम गरिएको विश्वास गर्छन् ।

धार्मिक फिल्म निर्माता बार्ट साइब्रेल भन्छन्, 'म बुझ्छु, चन्द्रलोकमा मानिसले पाइला राखे भन्ने कुरा सोर्‍है आना झूठा हो, म मेरो ज्यानको बाजी थापेर यो कुरा झूठा हो भन्न सक्छु ।'

१९९९ मा गएको एक सर्वेक्षणअनुसार अपोलो-११ को चन्द्र धरातल अवतरणलाई असत्य ठान्ने अमेरिकीको संख्या निकै छ, अर्थात् ६ प्रतिशत अमेरिकी यस अभियानको दाबीमाथि शंका गर्छन् । र, सन्देहवादी सिद्धान्तकारहरूले छलकपट हो कि भन्ने प्रमाणित गर्ने क्रममा अनेक प्रमाण जुटाउने काम जारी नै राखेका छन् । बि्रटिस पत्रिका इन्जिनियरिङ एन्ड टेक्नोलोजीले गरेको सर्वेक्षणका उत्तरदातामध्ये २५ प्रतिशतले मानिसले चन्द्रलोकमा टेकेको दाबीलाई सत्य मानेका थिएनन् । अति थोरै वेबसाइट र ब्लगहरूले नासाको तथाकथित 'छलकपट' बारेका आशंकालाई ठाउँ दिएको पाइन्छ ।

वासिङ्टनस्थित नेसनल एअर एन्ड स्पेस म्युजियमका क्युरेटर रोजर लनियस भन्छन्, 'चन्द्रलोक पुग्ने कुरा बुझ्नु निकै कठिन कुरा हो । केही मानिसका लागि हामी चन्द्रलोक गएनौँ कि क्या हो भन्ने खालको उत्तर नै सजिलो हुन्छ । यीमध्ये सिधासादा भोलाभाला मानिस पनि पर्छन् । अपोलो अभियानसम्बन्धी यस्तो षड्यन्त्रसम्बन्धी सिद्धान्त १९७२ मा अन्तरिक्ष-यात्री चन्द्रमाबाट फर्केको लगत्तै जानकारीमा आएको थियो ।'

नासाको अपोलो कार्यक्रमका लागि रकेट इन्जिन बनाएका बिल केसिङ नामक एक प्राविधिक लेखकले १९७४ मा एक पुस्तक प्रकाशित गरे । पुस्तकको नाम थियो- 'हामीले कहिल्यै चन्द्रलोकमा पाइला टेकेनौँ ः अमेरिकाको ३० अर्ब डलरको धोकेवाज परियोजना हो यो ।' केसिङले पुस्तकभरि र अन्यत्र पनि नासाले सुरक्षित तरिकाले चन्द्रमामा पाइला टेक्ने प्रविधि नै विकास गर्न नसकेको दाबी गरे । उनले भने, 'अपोलो अन्तरिक्षविज्ञहरू पृथ्वीलाई वरिपरिबाट घेर्ने भ्यान अलेन नामको रेडियसनबाट गुज्रँदा विषको आक्रमणमा पर्न सक्थे । चन्द्रमाबाट ल्याइएका नासाका तस्बिरहरू शंकास्पद र नियमअनुरूपका देखिएनन् ।' केसिङले बताएअनुसार एपोलो-११ यानलाई दृश्यबाट ओझेल हुन्जेलसम्मका लागि माथि पठाइयो । त्यसपछि चन्द्रमामा जाने लुनार क्याप्सुल प्रक्षेपण गरी तीनजना यात्रुलाई सैनिक कार्गो प्लेनमा राखेर आठ दिनपछि त्यस प्लेनलाई प्रशान्त महासागरमा खसाली उद्धार गरियो । उनले नासाका अधिकारीहरूले नेभादाको उच्च सुरक्षा क्षेत्रको सैन्य इलाकामा रहेको एरिया नं ५१ मा चन्द्रमामा पाइला टेेकेको फिल्मांकन गरेको अनि अन्तरिक्षविद्हरूको सहयोग पाउन उनीहरूको दिमाग चाटेको दाबी पनि गरेका छन् ।

केही मानिसका विचारमा केसिङको सिद्धान्त १९७८ मा बनाइएको क्यापि्रकोर्न वानबाट प्रेरित रहेको छ । यस फिल्ममा नासाले मंगल ग्रहमा मानिस उत्रेको देखाइएको छ, जुन भूमि दुर्गम सैन्य शिविरको इलाकामा पर्छ । केहीले त नासाले '२००१: ए स्पेस ओडिसी' नामक हिट फिल्मका निर्देशक स्टान्ली कुबि्रकलाई भाडामा लिई चन्द्रमामा मानिसले अवतरण गरेको जाली फिल्मांकन गरेको ठानेका छन् । दशकौंपछि, षड्यन्त्रको सिद्धान्तः 'के हामीले चन्द्रमामा टेक्यौँ त ?' नामक प्रतिष्ठान खडा गरेको बताइन्छ, २००१ को फक्स टिभीको वृत्तचित्रमा नासाको एपोलोका तस्बिरहरू र टिभी फुटेजहरू पनि हालिएका छन् । तीमध्ये एक हो: मानिसको छाया ऊसँगै हिँड्नुको साटो यताउता गएको देखिनु, जसले प्रकाशको अप्राकृतिक स्रोत त्यहाँ थियो भन्ने जनाउँछ । र, त्यहाँ चन्द्रमामा नभएको हावाको झोक्काले अमेरिकाको झन्डा फहराइरहेको देखिन्छ । यसबाट स्टुडियोमा कृत्रिम प्रकाश र वायुको मद्दतले काम गरेर जाली तस्बिर खिचिएको शंका उत्पन्न हुने ठाउँ रहेको उनीहरू बताउँछन् । कतिपय डकुमेन्टमा एपोलो अन्तरिक्षयात्रीहरू भान अलेनपट्टिबाट मानिस छिटोछिटो हिँडिरहेको र विकिरणको खतरापूर्ण स्तरतर्फ लागिरहेको देखिन्छ, तस्बिरमा भएको छाया वाइडएन्गल लेन्सले बिगारेर चन्द्रामाको सतह भिरालोजस्तो देखिन पुगेको छ । एपोलोको झन्डा र तेर्सोपट्टि दिइएका टेवाका डन्डीले गर्दा झन्डा फहराइरहेको देखिन्छ ।
००५ मा केसिङको निधन भयो । उनी बित्नुअघि नै चन्द्रलोकमा मानव अवतरणसम्बन्धी कुरा जाली हो भन्ने साइब्रेलले आशंका गर्न थालिसकेका थिए । साइब्रेल टेनेसीको न्यासभिलाका फिल्म निर्माता हुन् । कुनै अज्ञात दाताबाट रकम लिएर उनले ४७ मिनेट लामो वृत्तचित्र लेखे र निर्देशन पनि गरे । यसमा चन्द्रमामा मानिस पुगेको तथ्य वाहियात हो भन्ने कयौं आशंका देखाउने प्रयास गरिएको छ । तर, यस्तो आशंका गर्नेहरूका विरोधीहरू भने यदि त्यसो भए नासाका दसौं हजार कर्मचारी तथा एपोलोसम्बन्धित त्यतिका मानिसबाट यो कुरा चार/चार दशकसम्म लुकाउनु सम्भव नभएको जिकिर गर्छन् । तर, साइब्रेल भने एपोलो कार्यक्रम बनावटी भएको र नासाका मठ्ठीभर उच्च अधिकारी र अन्तरिक्षयात्रुलाई मात्र साँचो कथा थाहा हुने बताउँछन् । उनले कयौंपल्ट उनीहरूलाई ढुके, पासो हाले, बाइबल छोएर आफ्नो क्यामेराअगाडि कसम खान लगाए । तर, उत्तर पाए- 'बाइबलको कसम, हामी चन्द्र धरातलमा हिँडेकै हो ।'

अन युट्युबको एक भागमा साइब्रेल एल्डि्रनसँग विवाद गरिरहेको दृश्य पनि छ । २००२ मा प्रसारित यस दृश्यमा ३० वर्षे जोसिला साइब्रेलले ७२ वर्षीय वृद्ध एल्डि्रनलाई झूठो, बेइमान, चोर साला भनेर गाली गर्नासाथ एल्डि्रनले उनको मुखमा एक बज्रमुक्का बजाएर धकेलिदिएका थिए ।

एल्डि्रनले सिएनएनसँगको अन्तर्वार्तामा भनेका थिए, 'अब त्यस्ताका पछि लागेर साध्यै छैन । आशंकावादीका पछि लाग्नेलाई त के भन्नु र खै ! कसैकसैले नजानेका कुरा कसैले अलिकति जान्यो भने त्यस विषयको अंग बन्ने मानिसको स्वभावै हो । तर, के गर्ने यसले मानिसलाई विचलित तुल्याउँछ । '

C.P Gajurel´s Daughter arrest in France

Friday, 31 July 2009

Daughter of senior Maoist leader C.P Gajurel has been arrested in France for traveling without proper documents and trying to seek asylum in that country, an Indian news agency reported.

Shova Gajurel, the daughter of the Maoist leader who looks after the party's foreign affairs, is being held at the Lesquin Administrative Retention Centre in Lille town in northern France where foreigners found guilty of violating immigration laws are detained, Indo Asian News Service said.

Shova was traveling to the France-Belgium border to meet friends when she was arrested last week near Valenciennes, a commune in northern France.

UCPN (Maoist) sympathisers have formed a committee to secure her release.

She is known to have applied for asylum in France saying her life is in danger if she returns Nepal. However, her application was turned down and has now re-applied.

Her sympathisers are putting pressure on Sarkozy government to grant Shova asylum, saying that since the fall of the Maoist government in May, the situation has become tense in Nepal.

C.P Gaujurel himself was held in Chennai, India, three years ago while trying to fly to London with fake travel documents in August 2003. He was released from Indian jail in November 2006. nepalnews.com

How to learn Finnish Language

Friday, 24 July 2009

There is no any universal method of learning Finnish language but if we effort little bit seriously then one can easily learn this language even in the short time period.Although this language is also taken as one of the most difficult langauge,but some people are able to communicate in short time period.
As there are no sufficeint materials of finnish language in online so my effort is to put some finnish words and some phrases in my blog so one can easily learn at least some words and phrases.
Some greeting Words and Phrases
Hei/Moi= Hello
Hei,Hei= Bye Bye but in formally näkemiin is used
Terve/Tervetuloa= Welcome
Hyvää Huomenta/Päivää/Ilta/Yötä=Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night
Kiitos= thank you
Anteksi= Excuse me
The most used phrases in Finnish
Mittä Kuuluu= How are you?
Kiitos Hyvää= Fine thanks
Mittää sinulle kuuluu=What about you?
Mitäs tässä/Ihan Hyvää= pretty Fine
Ei mittään erikoistä= nothing especial
Misä sinä olet?=Where are you
Miten menee?= how is going?
Hauska nähdä/tavata or Kiva Nähdä= Nice to see/meet
Kauniita unia= have a sweat dream

Above words are frequently used words which is uesed everywhere.but in the next post i will try to put some things about Finnish language.i hope you will enjoy with it .Lastly thanks for visiting my site.

Nepalese in Finland

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Once upon the time,Most of the nepalese people didnot even hear the name of Finland but these days one can see and hear this country´s name everywhere either in the field of development activities or in the place of study abroad.All most every educational consultancies put Finland in their priority list for sending student.
Finland is a country situated in the Northern Europe having just 5.3 million population.Which have the high living standard in the world for long time.Besides these,free education for all is the most attractive pulling factors for the nepalese student .Indiscriminatly Finland provides free education for all and there are no any official formalities for applying for Finland if we compare with the other countries.One can easily get visa for Finland if he/she got offer letter from the universities or colleges.But these days not only for the students for the workers and business man Finland is the best destination of earning money as well others.Here in Finland there are nearly 20 Nepalese resturant among them arround 15 are in the Helsinki ,the capital city of Finland.
As Finnish people have no their own food culture,they are very much interested to have the taste of nepalese food which is really spicy and hot.This might be the cause of the weather condition of Finland which is cold all the time so Finnish people like hot and spicy nepalese food.
As there is no official records,nearly 1500 nepalese are resides in Finland .Family members of the Nepalese bussiness man and their worker´s family are in majority.Besides these,workers rather than the resturant and students are also in the same number.But unfortunately here are 3 nepalese organizations who claimed themselves as the main representative of Nepales people in Finland.One NRN Finland,The Finnish-Nepalese Society and Seura Nepal.But these institutions are involved in their own interest not for the shake of nepalese people who resides in Finland.
One most intersting thing is that Nepalese resturant in Finland are really florished although the harmony among the nepalese are decreasing day by day.Satkar,Himsikhar,Aangan,Mountain,Annapurna,Madal are the most popular resturant in Helsinki.The number of nepalese in Finland is increasing day by day so it is necessary to mentain harmony among the nepalese people by giving up proudiness and the attitudes of individualism.if we overcome from such things we can success to show the nepalese unity in Finland

A little-known photographer took a picture that made the world weep

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Have you ever imagined which could be the most sadest picture of the world.But you could say that depends on the context and the emotional feelings of individual.But for the rational human beings some things which could be the same like others.
Among the most sadest pictures,Kevin carter´s picture was selected most panic picture and award him the ``South African photojournalist´´

In March 1993 Carter made a trip to southern Sudan. when he was travelling he saw a girl had stopped to rest while struggling to a feeding center, whereupon a vulture had landed nearby. then waited there for some time hoping that the vulture would spread its wings. It didn't. Carter snapped the haunting photograph and chased the vulture away .Then he published his photograph in The New york Times ,he immidately he came under heavy criticism for just photographing — and not helping — the little girl:Among the criticizers one told

"The man adjusting his lens to take just the right frame of her suffering might just as well be a predator, another vulture on the scene."

The photograph was sold to The New york Times where it appeared for the first time on March 26,1993. Overnight thousands of people contacted the newspaper to ask whether the child had survived, leading the newspaper to run a special editor's note saying the girl had enough strength to walk away from the vulture, but that her ultimate fate was unknown.

On Aprill 2,1994,Nancy Buirski, a foreign New York Times picture editor, phoned Carter to inform him he had won the most coveted prize for photojournalism. Carter was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography .When Sudan was suffering from famine,peoples of sudan were living in starvation.They were waiting for foods from UN for several days.Cater was also there at the time whenThe parents of the children were busy taking food from the plane so they had left their children only while they collected the food. This was the situation for the girl in the photo taken by Carter. A vulture landed behind the girl. To get the two in focus, Carter approached the scene very slowly so as not to scare the vulture away and took a photo from approximately 10 metres. He took a few more photos and then the vulture flew off.

Kevin was higly depressed even from his proffession.In july 27,1994, Carter drove to the Braamfonteinspruit river, near the Field and Study Centre, an area where he used to play as a child, and took his own life by taping one end of a hose to his pickup truck’s exhaust pipe and running the other end to the passenger-side window. He died of carbon monoxide poisoning at the age of 33. Portions of Carter's suicide note read: "I am depressed ... without phone ... money for rent ... money for child support ... money for debts ... money!!! ... I am haunted by the vivid memories of killings and corpses and anger and pain ... of starving or wounded children, of trigger-happy madmen, often police, of killer executioners...I have gone to join Ken if I am that lucky.

After his death it is believed that Carter was mainly depressed from his photograph not only that particular photo but most of his photographs has its own important.However that photo is taken as the most panic picture which have ever taken in the history.

Puspalal shreshta: Founder of CPN

Saturday, 4 July 2009

Pusphalal shrestha,born 1924, in kathmandu from general family background.He was brillant from his chilhood.As he have radical thinking towards the society he thought to do something for the poor people of the nepal by raising their voice for justice.For that also he felt the need of one organized groups who can advocate the all problems of the nepali people who were exploited by the so called elite group of the society.

The Communist Party of Nepal was founded in Calcutta, India, on April 29, 1949. CPN was formed to struggle against the autocratic Rana regime, feudalism and imperialism. The founding general secretary was Puspa Lal Shestra played an important role in the 1951 uprising that overthrew the Rana regime. In 1954 the first party congress was held clandestinely in Patan.At that time Manmohan Adhikari blamed puspalal shrestha for expoilting his intlectual brain and lobbing against Puspalal and became elected general secretary. In 1957 the second party congress was held in Kathmandu. For the first time the party could hold its congress openly. Keshar Jung Rayamajhi was elected general secretary. The congress approved a republican party programme.
In early 1961 all political parties were banned. A wave of repression against CPN was initiated by the government. Rayamajhi, had however, expressed certain faith in the politics of the monarch, something that provoked stern reaction from other sectors of the party. To resolve the conflict a Central Plenum was convened in Darbhanga, India. The plenum lasted one month. Three lines emerged, a pro-constitutional monarchy line led by Rayamajhi, a line that wanted to restore the dissolved parliament and launch broad mass movements led by Pushpa Lal and a third line which favoured a constitutional assembly led by Mohan Bikram Singh. The latter line emerged victorious, but its sole representative in the Central Committee was Singh.
A 3rd party congress was convened in Varanasi, India, in April 1962. But the preparation of the congress had been full of controversy. Initially the Rayamajhi clique, who controlled the Central Committee, had been hostile towards holding it. The congress approved the programme of National Democratic Revolution proposed by Tulsi Lal Amatya, and elected Tulsi Lal as general secretary. In an attempt to maintain the unity of the party, Pushpa Lal and Tulsi Lal were to share central leadership responsibilities.

Though he was the founder of present CPN but these days leaders of the communist party were busy material life .They have no any good spirit for the nation.Dadhi raj subedi who wrote one book based on the biography of Puspalal shrestha ,he mentioned the Puspalal shrestha never run towards earning money as well luxurious life.He always suffers from the economic problem so one time he slept in his room for 5 days without food.At that time he was even unable to stand because of weakness.But unfortunately todays leaders of CPN are totally being crazy for the power and collecting money as much as they can.

If anyone interested to know the life of Puspalal Shrestha please you can see the book written by MR.DADHIRAJ SUBEDI.

Bhimad :My Birth Place

Friday, 3 July 2009

Bhimad VDC is in Tanahun district. It is also a typical old market village of tanahun district. It is situated at the river terrace of Seti river on the southern part of the district. It has a total area of 8575 hectors. The altitude ranges from 800m to 1050 meter above from the sea level. This village is 7 km. far from Prithivi highway. It consist both the low land area as well as high land areas. Accordding the journel published by the bhimad VDC in 2058 BS, the total population of Bhimad VDC is 6990(3551 male and 3439 female). The number of households are 1159. In this VDC more than 47% people are inhabited in ward number one only because of various facilities. This VDC consists of various ethnic groups but the dominating groups are Bhramans. Magar and Newars.

Agriculture represents the main source of income of Bhimad VDC. The average farm size is small and highly fragmented. More than 70% of the farm households own less than one hector of land. The agricultural production consists of food grains such as wheat, maize, paddy as cash crops; livestock consists of cow, buffalo, goat and sheep.

Politacally highly effected this village have also played determinate role in district politics because most of the district political leaders are reside in this village but after the evolution of Maoist conflict some of them are replaced from there.If we take in account this village among other villages of the district ,this is also taken as highly developed one.Some extremist politican made the situation of bhimad so worse in the past but these days it seems little bit calm.

Of the total population 6990, more than 71% people are literate and 29% are illiterate. Thus the overall literacy rate is significantly higher than the national literacy rate which is 53.7%(CBS 2002 : 4). Male literacy rate is higher than female, which indicates that there is a gender disparity in education sector. Educational status of this VDC is given below:

In this VDC, one higher secondary school, 6 secondary schools, 6 lower secondary schools are 7 primary schools. The number of students in 2058, was 1428 at primary level, 631 at lower secondary level and 257 at secondary level of the total students, 1215 are male and 1103 are female. Female students represented about 47258 percent of the total students.The main occupation of this VDC is agriculture but some people are also engaged in various activities.

Above data shows that highest percentage of people are students which covers 31%. Then agriculture represents 27% but lower percentage of people 1.4 and 2.45 are engaged in non government and government services respectively. As a market center 8.5% people are engaged in business sector and 7.12% are engaged in aboard service i.e Indian and British army as well as labour in others countries.

Although this VDC have higher level of literacy than others but people are not able to come up and think about the social harmony.Peoples are divided into different fraction according to their political affiliation even in the social work.There is only one social organization named SAMAJIK SAROKAR SAMAJ which is really formed on the base of social need. The founder chairman of this organization is Mr Dadhi Raj Subedi ,which is also the central committee member of National Human Right Allience Nepal ,which works for the right of people.One time people used to fill the complain in this organization instead of going to police station and VDC because this organization has already gained peoples trust .Besides these it also tried to launch some literacy programme for the orphan child but due to the lack of sufficient fund that was not continued latter.However it is working for the society and it always raise its voice for the shake of society .As this VDC have alots of unregistered land plots which is still capturing by so called social worker as well self announced leader of the society but this institution always stands in the protection of public property.Most of the members of this socety are affiliate to the different political ideologies but nobody have seen such any political baisness from this institution.As bhimand have no sufficient good communication means like phone and mobiles network there were only 7 lines in bhimad distributed on the name of political parties name and for some business house but these days Nepal Telecommunication distribued hundreds of line in bhimad based on wireless CDMA technology .Besides these there is also one mobil tower so one can use their mobil easily which makes bhimad as the part of global village.

Nepal issues high alert for A/H1N1 flu

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

KATHMANDU, June 30 (Xinhua) -- With the record of its first three cases of A/H1N1 flu, the government of Nepal Tuesday issued high alert status in hospitals nationwide.

A health official takes the body temperature of a monk arriving at Tribhuwan International airport in Kathmandu June 30, 2009. Nepal confirmed on Monday its first cases of H1N1 flu virus, in three members of a family who had returned from the United States, the Himalayan nation's health ministry said. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

As per the primary security program, the government has deployed rapid response team in the hospitals for the identification of A/H1N1 virus.

Director of the Epidemiology and Disease Control Division Dr Senendra Raj Upreti said they have deployed 40 rapid response teams throughout the country.

A health official takes the body temperatures of arriving travellers at Tribhuwan International airport in Kathmandu June 30, 2009. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

Likewise, security has been beefed up at the Tribhuvan International Airport in the capital Kathmandu.

Health desk has been stationed at border entry points with high alert, said Dr Manas Kumar Banerjee coordinator of Avian Influenza Control Project of Epidemiology and Disease Control Division under Ministry of Health.

According to Dr Banerjee, Tamiflu medicine that can be used for the virus treatment has been kept in surplus in the hospitals outside the capital.

On Monday, the National Health Officials confirmed the A/H1N1 flu in the country as three persons have been infected for the first time in Nepal, since the A/H1N1 emerged nearly three months ago in Mexico.

Pop star Michael Jackson has died in Los Angeles, aged 50

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Paramedics were called to the singer's Beverly Hills home at about midday on Thursday after he stopped breathing.

He was pronounced dead two hours later at the UCLA medical centre. Jackson's brother, Jermaine, said he was believed to have suffered a cardiac arrest.

Jackson, who had a history of health problems, had been due to stage a series of comeback concerts in the UK on 13 July.

Speaking on behalf of the Jackson family, Jermaine, said doctors had tried to resuscitate the star for more than an hour without success.

He added: "The family request that the media please respect our privacy during this tough time.""And Allah be with you Michael always. I love you."

Concerns were raised last month when four of Jackson's planned comeback concerts were postponed, but organisers insisted the dates had been moved due to the complexity of staging the show.

A spokeswoman for The Outside Organisation, which was organising the publicity for the shows, said she had no comment at this time.

Broadcaster Paul Gambaccini said: "I always doubted that he would have been able to go through that schedule, those concerts. It seemed to be too much of a demand on the unhealthy body of a 50 year old.

"I'm wondering that, as we find out details of his death, if perhaps the stress of preparing for those dates was a factor in his collapse.

"It was wishful thinking that at this stage of his life he could be Michael Jackson again."

Uri Gellar, a close friend of the star, told BBC News it was "very, very sad".

Michael Jackson in 1972

peaking outside New York's historic Apollo theatre, civil rights activist Rev Al Sharpton paid tribute to his friend.

"I knew him 35 years. When he had problems he would call me," he said.

"I feel like he was not treated fairly. I hope history will be more kind to him than some of the contemporary media."

Melanie Bromley, west coast bureau chief of Us Weekly magazine, told the BBC the scene in Los Angeles was one of "pandemonium".

"At the moment there is a period of disbelief. There are hundreds of people outside UCLA waiting for news.

"He was buying a home in the Holmby Hills area of Los Angeles and the scene outside the house is one of fans, reporters and TV cameras - it's absolute craziness.

"I feel this is the biggest celebrity story in a long time and has the potential to be the Princess Diana of popular culture."

Musical icon

Full name: Michael Joseph Jackson
Born: August 29, 1958, Gary, Indiana, US
Also known as: The King of Pop, Wacko Jacko
Biggest hits: I Want You Back, Don't Stop Til You Get Enough, Billie Jean, Bad, Black or White, Earth Song

Paramedics were called to the singer's house in Bel Air at 1221 (1921GMT) following an emergency phone call.

They performed CPR on Jackson and rushed him to the UCLA medical centre.

A spokesman for the Los Angeles Police Department said the robbery and homicide team was investigating Jackson's death because of its "high profile", but there was no suggestion of foul play.

Jackson began his career as a child in family group The Jackson 5.

He then went on to achieve global fame as a solo artist with smash hits such as Billie Jean and Bad.

Thriller, released in 1982, is the biggest-selling album of all time, shifting 65m copies, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

He scored seven UK number ones as a solo artist and won a total of 13 Grammy awards.

"For Michael to be taken away from us so suddenly at such a young age, I just don't have the words," said Quincy Jones, who produced Thriller, Bad and Off The Wall.

Jackson's body was flown to the LA coroner's office
Jackson's body was flown from hospital to the LA coroner's office

"He was the consummate entertainer and his contributions and legacy will be felt upon the world forever. I've lost my little brother today, and part of my soul has gone with him."

The singer had been dogged by controversy and money trouble in recent years, becoming a virtual recluse.

He was arrested in 2003 on charges of molesting a 14-year-old boy, but was found not guilty following a five-month trial.

The star had three children, Michael Joseph Jackson Jr, Paris Michael Katherine Jackson and Prince Michael Jackson II.

He is survived by his mother, Katherine, father, Joseph and eight siblings - including Janet, Randy, Jermaine and La Toya Jackson.

Iran rallies planned amid clampdown

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Pro-Ahmadinejad supporters were out in force in Tehran on Tuesday [GALLO/GETTY]

Anti-government protesters in Iran have announced they are to hold another rally in the capital to dispute the veracity of a presidential election.

Supporters of candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi called on Wednesday for a rally to go ahead at 5pm local time (13:30 GMT), despite the authorities imposing a ban on the opposition gatherings.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the incumbent president, was officially declared winner of Friday's election by a margin of two-to-one over Mir Hossein Mousavi.

Hossein, a reformist candidate who was the nearest rival to Ahmadinejad, a conservative, has accused the authorities of rigging the vote.

But Ahmadinejad has said that the result proved he has popular support.

"The election result confirmed the work of the ninth government which was based on honesty and service to the people," he said on Wednesday in a statement to Iran's ISNA news agency.

Mousavi has called on his supporters to hold peaceful demonstrations or gather in mosques on Thursday in solidarity with people killed or hurt in the post-election unrest.

At least seven people have been killed in clashes between the authorities and the opposition movement, according to state media reports, while hundreds more are thought to have been injured.

"In the course of the past days and as a consequence of illegal and violent encounters with [people protesting] against the outcome of the presidential election, a number of our countrymen were wounded or martyred," Mousavi said on his website.

"I ask the people to express their solidarity with the families .... by coming together in mosques or taking part in peaceful demonstrations."

Reformists detained

The announcement of the rallies came as news emerged that two prominent reformists allied to Mousavi had been arrested by the Iranian authorities.

Hamid Reza Jalaipour, a sociologist, was arrested at his home on Wednesday morning, Issa Saharkhiz, a colleague, told the AFP news agency.

Saeed Laylaz, a political and economic analyst, was also arrested at his home by four officials, a family member said.

Jalaipour and Laylaz are also prominent journalists.

Iranian police have badly beaten some protesters at the opposition rallies [AFP]
Several reformists have been arrested by the Iranian authorities since the protests against the presidential election results began.

Foreign media reporters have been banned from covering rallies by those opposed to the result of the vote.

With Iranians relying on social networking sites and YouTube to share information, the Revolutionary Guard, an elite military force, warned users on Wednesday that they would face legal action if their uploads "create tension".

Alireza Ronaghi, Al Jazeera's correspondent in Tehran, said the move against websites and blogging by the Guard was beyond their remit.

"Their move to crack down on websites and blogs is against their constitutional rights, but they see it as things spreading out of hand, so they feel it necessary to intervene at this point," he said.

"It is obvious that the Revolutionary Guard does not see itself as a pure military organisation. They been telling the media and activists that the Revolutionary Guard was founded as a political and military foundation of the Islamic Republic, so they see it as appropraite to enter politics whenever they deem fit.

Police violence

Tens of thousands of pro- and anti-government demonstrators held rival rallies in Tehran on Tuesday, despite calls by Mousaavi to exercise restraint for fear of provoking further clashes.

Thousands of people gathered at a government-organised rally in Tehran's central Vali Asr square in support of Ahmadinejad while a similar-sized demonstration was held in the north of the city by those loyal to the opposition.

Sadegh Zibakalam, an Iranian political analyst, said that the government had arranged its protest on Tuesday as a response to the opposition movement.

"The government doesn't want to appear as being too soft - that's why they called this rally today and asked its supporters to come to the square where Mousavi's supporters had decided to gather," he told Al Jazeera.

"By arranging these crowds, the government is making two points. It wants to demonstrate that it is firm in dealing with this crisis, [and] on the other hand they have been called [on] by the pro-government crowd to crack down."

The rallies came just hours after the Guardian Council, Iran's most senior legislative body, said it could order a partial vote recount, provided it finds irregularities.

The council ruled out annulling the disputed poll, the key demand of the opposition.

Venezuela bans Coke Zero, cites "danger to health"

Thursday, 11 June 2009

CARACAS (Reuters) – The Venezuelan government of U.S.-critic President Hugo Chavez on Wednesday ordered Coca-Cola Co to withdraw its Coke Zero beverage from the South American nation, citing unspecified dangers to health.

The decision follows a wave of nationalizations and increased scrutiny of businesses in South America's top oil exporter.

Health Minister Jesus Mantilla said the zero-calorie Coke Zero should no longer be sold and stocks of the drink removed from store shelves while the government investigated its ingredients.

"The product should be withdrawn from circulation to preserve the health of Venezuelans," the minister said in comments reported by the government's news agency.

Coca Cola said Coke Zero contains no harmful ingredients, but that it will stop production and remove the product from shelves during the ongoing investigation.

"Coca Cola Zero is made under the highest quality standards around the world and meets the sanitary requirements demanded by the laws of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela," the company said in a joint statement with its local bottling company.

Despite Chavez's anti-capitalist policies and rhetoric against consumerism, oil-exporting Venezuela remains one of Latin America's most Americanized cultures, with U.S. fast-food chains, shopping malls and baseball all highly popular.

Mantilla did not say what health risks Coke Zero, which contains artificial sweeteners, posed to the population.

Coke Zero was launched in Venezuela in April and Coca-Cola Femsa, the Mexico-based company that bottles Coke products locally, said at the time it aimed to increase its market share for low calorie drinks by 200 percent.

The bottler was plagued with labor problems last year in Venezuela when former workers repeatedly blocked its plants, demanding back-pay.

The government this year has seized a rice mill and pasta factory belonging to U.S. food giant Cargill and has threatened action against U.S. drug company Pfizer.

Chavez has also nationalized a group of oil service companies, including projects belonging to Williams Companies and Exterran.

Gitmo inmate pleads not guilty

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

NEW YORK: Under heavy guard, a Guantanamo Bay detainee walked into a civilian U.S. courtroom for the first time Tuesday, underscoring the Obama administration's determination to close the Cuban prison and hold trials here despite Republican alarms about bringing terror suspects to America.
Ahmed Ghailani, a Tanzanian accused in two American Embassy bombings a decade ago, pleaded not guilty in English in a brief but historic federal court hearing that transported him from open-ended military detention to the civilian criminal justice system.
President Barack Obama has said keeping Ghailani from coming to the United States "would prevent his trial and conviction." Taking a drastically different stance, House Republican leader John Boehner of Ohio labeled Tuesday's move "the first step in the Democrats' plan to import terrorists into America."
Ghailani, accused of being a bomb-maker, document forger and aide to Osama bin Laden, was brought to New York to await trial in connection with al-Qaida bombings that killed 224 people including 12 Americans at the U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya in 1998.
U.S. marshals took custody of Ghailani from his military jailers and transferred him to a federal lockup in lower Manhattan that currently holds financial swindler Bernard Madoff, and once held mob scion John "Junior" Gotti and blind terror leader Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman.
Short and slim with a wispy goatee, Ghailani walked into the courtroom without shackles or handcuffs, wearing a blue jail smock.
He listened at times through an interpreter but then removed the headphones and appeared to understand what was said in English.
Asked by the judge if he wanted her to "read this big fat indictment," he conferred with his lawyer, said it was not necessary and made his plea: "not guilty."
About 10 deputy marshals were in the courtroom, including two who were behind him.
Ghailani's attorney, Scott L. Fenstermaker, declined comment after the hearing.
"We are ready to proceed in the case," declared Assistant U.S. Attorney David Raskin, who said there was "voluminous" evidence to be shared among attorneys.
U.S. District Judge Loretta A. Preska acknowledged Ghailani's U.S. military lawyers, Marine Col. Jeffrey Colwell and Air Force Maj. Richard Reiter, who were seated in the courtroom but were not representing him at the hearing.
"Anything you can do to help him transition to the civilian courts will be greatly appreciated," she said.
Ghailani's trial will be an important test case for Obama's plan to close the detention center at Guantanamo in seven months and bring some of the terror suspects there to trial.
Attorney General Eric Holder said, "The Justice Department has a long history of securely detaining and successfully prosecuting terror suspects through the criminal justice system, and we will bring that experience to bear in seeking justice in this case."
Though the bombings were a decade ago, "for us, it's like yesterday," said Sue Bartley, a Washington-area resident who lost her husband, Julian Leotis Bartley Sr., then U.S. consul general to Kenya, and her son, Julian "Jay" Bartley Jr.
"The embassy bombings were a precursor to 9/11. And even though we know that an American embassy located in any country is American soil, I don't think people really understand that," she said.
The U.S. response to the 2001 terror attacks including the opening of the Guantanamo detention center could also complicate Ghailani's case, as defense lawyers are likely to mount legal challenges based on the circumstances of his capture, detention and treatment over the years.
Justice Department officials would not say Tuesday what would be done with Ghailani if he were acquitted, but in past cases a non-citizen defendant would be turned over to immigration authorities for deportation.
There will also be political challenges to Ghailani's trial.
Congressional Republicans have repeatedly contended that transferring terrorist suspects to U.S. soil will threaten public safety. The Guantanamo issue has seemed one of the few issues falling the Republicans' way, as polls suggest that most Americans want to keep the Cuba-based prison operating.
But if Ghailani can be handled without serious incident in New York and elsewhere, the GOP argument may lose steam and Congress may rethink its refusal to fund the closing of Guantanamo. The move also could bolster Obama's efforts to persuade other nations to accept some detainees from the prison.
U.S. officials contend Ghailani began a terrorist career on a bicycle delivering bomb parts and rose through the al-Qaida ranks to become an aide to bin Laden.
After the Aug. 7, 1998, bombings at U.S. embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Ghailani worked his way up the al-Qaida ranks, according to military prosecutors.
He was categorized as a high-value detainee by U.S. authorities after he was captured in Pakistan in 2004, and he was transferred to the detention center at the U.S. naval base in Cuba two years later.
Ghailani has denied knowing that the TNT and oxygen tanks he delivered would be used to make a bomb. He also has denied buying a vehicle used in one of the attacks, saying he could not drive.
Not only Republican lawmakers have opposed bringing Guantanamo detainees to the U.S. for trial, even in heavily guarded settings. Obama faces pressure from across the political spectrum over his plan to close the detention center. Democrats have said they want to see Obama's plan for closing the base before approving money to finance it, and Republicans are fighting to keep Guantanamo open.
The decision to try Ghailani in New York also revives a long-dormant case charging bin Laden and other top al-Qaida leadership with plotting the embassy attacks, which led then-President Bill Clinton to launch cruise missile attacks two weeks later on bin Laden's Afghan camps.
Four other men have been tried and convicted in the New York courthouse for their roles in the embassy attacks. All were sentenced to life in prison.